Gossiping is bad for your health (& makes your teeth black)
One of the greatest limiting factors in life is the imagined worry of what others will think of us.
Why do we care so much about the opinion of others?
Why do we live our lives based on the opinion of others?
Often we make a decision solely on what others will say.
We buy clothes in the hope of a compliment. We buy things to impress others. We live to impress others.
This is not living but desperately trying to get a bit part in somebody else’s show.
The only reason we ever fear others Gossiping about us is when we have done something that we know in our heart was not the correct thing. Otherwise people love to gossip. It is the hobby of people who are not living the way they desire and have nothing else going on in their lives. Live your own life the way you choose. You might even enjoy it more.